TC Day 33 (Seeing Jesus)

Day 33

Running hot water in a bathroom can cause the mirror to steam up.  When this happens we are not able to see anything, but the steam.  Still, if we take a towel and wipe it away, we can begin to see our image in the mirror.  This is our beautiful image; the image that God desired to make us in!

Now imagine this, our mirror is steamed up and as we slowly wipe a millimeter of the steam off of the mirror at a time.  Slowly, we begin to see Jesus’ image in the mirror rather than ourselves.  The way we wipe off the mirror is to live the virtues and life that Jesus has called us to.  Otherwise if we don’t live the life and virtues, we are putting more and more steam on to the mirror.  The more we put on Christ, the more His image should be reflected in our lives!  “Just as a painter who wants to do a life-like portrait places the model before his eyes and looks at it before making each stroke, so the Christian must always have before his eyes the life and virtues of Jesus Christ, so as never to say, think or do anything which is not in conformity with his model” (Preparation for Total Consecration, 111).  We are to image Jesus in everything we do, so like Jesus we are to be holy and loving.  “The chief concern of the Christian should be to tend to perfection” (Preparation for Total Consecration, 111).  We do this by walking with Jesus.

Mary, our Mother, helps us to perfect ourselves.  She is the model that shows us that it can be done.  She is the intercessor who prays and showers graces down upon us.  Mary desires more than ever that we image her Son in all things.  So when we look in the mirror, do we see Jesus looking back, or are we still in a fog? 


We are to ask our Mother to help to be like her Son.