FT Chapter 10 (The best is yet to come)

FT Chapter 10 (The best is yet to come)

Sometimes we need to hear a message a few times to realize the importance of what is being asked.  I believe that is part of what Our Lady was doing.  On September 13, when she appeared, she said to the children, “’Continue to pray the Rosary in order to obtain the end of the war’” (Fatima for Today, 99).  How many times does Our Lady need to repeat the message?  The children were praying the Rosary, but it was to remind others, even those of our time the importance of praying the Rosary.  We need to pray our Rosary each and every day!!!

Our Lady continues, “In October Our Lord will come, as well as Our Lady of Dolours [sorrows] and Our Lady of Mount Carmel.  St. Joseph will appear with the Child Jesus to bless the world” (Fatima for Today, 99).  Wow, this is a preview of what is to come.  Our Lady is telling them of the coming attractions so that they can be prepared.  I am sure the kids were even more excited for October 13 to come because of this. 

But we need to remember the message that is like a broken record which is to pray our Rosary daily for God’s peace to reign in the hearts of all men and women and for the conversion of sinners.