FT Chapter 13 (High Five) (Post for Friday, August 25)

FT Chapter 13 (High Five)

Numbers are important.  So for instance we see 3’s, 7’s 12’s and 40’s in the Bible and when we do we stop and take a closer look.  So today, Lucia has entered the convent and she has three private revelations (Fatima for Today, 131).  In these revelations she is asked to promote a devotion.  This devotion is to be done for five consecutive First Saturdays.  This is what we call the First Saturday Devotion.  This devotion is meant to help defeat Communism and its great promotor, Russia.  This is part of two conditions for peace to happen in the world.  Our author Father Andrew Apostoli covers the first condition in this chapter and the next condition in chapter 14. But both need to be done for peace.

What does this Devotion consist of: 

  1. Going to Mass for five consecutive first Saturdays.
  2. Receiving Communion in honor of the Immaculate Heart, in reparation for the sins committed against her heart and for peace in the world.
  3. Get to confession within a week of the first Saturday.
  4. Pray five decades of the Rosary.
  5. Meditate on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary for fifteen minutes; this is to be separate from the praying of the Rosary, but we don’t have to meditate on all fifteen. We only need to meditate for fifteen minutes (Fatima for Today, 135).

Why five, why not a more biblical number?

“”There are five kinds of offenses and blasphemies spoken against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

  • against her Immaculate Conception
  • against her perpetual virginity
  • against her divine maternity, refusing at the same time to accept her as the Mother of mankind
  • by those who try publicly to implant in the hearts of children an indifference, contempt, and even hate for this Immaculate Mother
  • for those who insult her directly in her sacred images’” (Fatima for Today, 140).

Lucia was being moved by Jesus and Mary to promote this devotion.  We need to promote it today.  We need to do our part in promoting and living the Five First Saturdays Devotion.  And once we have made the Five First Saturdays, we need to continue to live it day in and day out!