Family Tree (Part 5, Chapter 15)

Part 5, Chapter 15

We are a tree planted in the Lord.  “O precious resolutions!  You are as the lovely tree of life planted by God’s own hand in the midst of my heart, a tree that my Savior has watered with his Blood” (Introduction to the Devout Life, 202).  Our resolutions are a way for us to be ever more planted in the Lord.  They keep us connected with Him.  They move us forward in following the Lord.  The resolutions we make help us to continue to grow our tree.  Our tree will grow ever firmer and strong in the Lord with making resolutions and keeping them. 

Our tree needs to be taken care of.  Let God be the gardener of your tree.  Let Him water you with His blood, nourish you with His Word.  “Next you must particularize the necessary means for maintaining your good resolutions, determining to use them diligently, such as frequency of prayer, in Sacraments, in good works” (Introduction to Devout Life, 202).  We have to do those things that will keep our tree growing, and get rid of those that won’t.  We cut off the dead branches and use pesticides to get rid of the bugs that don’t help us.  “The amendment of faults you have already discovered, cutting off occasions of sin, and following out carefully all the advice given you with this view” (Introduction to the Devout Life, 202).  We should talk to out Spiritual Director (the assistant gardener) and let the director know the things that we are struggling with.   And of course, if we are struggling in the living out of our resolutions, if we just can’t get rid of that one dead branch, we should continue to beg God for His help.  (This might be a cross that our tree is going to have to live with, with God’s grace).