July 10, 2016

I remember the first time I visited a prison.  It happened my second year of Seminary.  I asked to be able to do prison ministry for the year.  It opened my eyes.  When those bars slam closed behind you and you’re locked in,  it really makes you think, and  I was just visiting the place.  I learned much in spending time visiting with the prisoners.  They are just like you and me.  They have fears, dreams, goals, and regrets.  Most of all they are human beings who need to be loved and treated like human beings!  I realized that if I had made different choices in my life, I could just as easily have been in their place.  It really makes one think.  I received much in visiting the prison.


People in prison are still people, made in the image and likeness of God.  No matter what someone has done, they deserve the opportunity to hear the Word of God and find the Truth of the message of Christ.

  • See if your parish, or a nearby parish, has a prison ministry and if so, get involved.
  • Volunteer to help out or donate to charities that give Christmas presents to children whose parents are in prison.

Excerpt of USCCB.org

We don’t have to go to Duluth to visit someone who has made mistakes.  We could go to the county jails in Grand Rapids or in International Falls.   There are plenty of people who are in jail or prison that need help.  The fact is this: Prisoners have made mistakes but they are people and should be treated that way.  Remember that Jesus talked about visiting the prisoners , and that by doing this we take care of Jesus Himself. 

On Saturday, August 6th, Mr. Kyle Clement will be back to do some teachings on Intercessory Prayer.  This will take place at St. Catherine’s in Squaw Lake.  The details are still being worked on, but he is coming back because the Mission he gave was so well enjoyed.  Try to make it over for this one day event.  Please pray for this as well.  If you weren’t able to make it this Winter for the Mission, here is your opportunity knocking at your door!  Open the door to this great opportunity!!!

Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault