March 1, 2015

It is Lent and it is now March.  Starting on March 7 & 8 we will begin our second collections for the Food Shelf.  As long as there is not another second collection, we will have a second collection during March for the Food Shelf.  Please be generous to those who are in need.  This is a good way to practice almsgiving during Lent. 

 Next Sunday, March 8, is the Deanery level celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Diocese of Duluth.  Saint Joseph’s in Grand Rapids will host this celebration.  It will begin at 5:00 pm with a Holy Hour with Bishop Paul Sirba.  It will be followed by a free dinner in the parish hall.  This is a wonderful opportunity to come and thank God for the gift of the Diocese of Duluth. 

Sunday, March 8 is also the beginning of daylight savings time.  Which means our clocks go ahead one hour.  This is a reminder because if we don’t set our clocks forward, we will be an hour late to Mass.  So if we don’t want to be that late on Sunday, March 8, remember to set your clocks ahead before you go to bed on Saturday night.

 A reminder: if anyone is in the hospital, please let me know as I would like to visit them there.  Please don’t assume that I know that someone is in the hospital.  So if you or someone you love is in the hospital, please let me know.  Thank you.

 Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault