March 8, 2015

On Sunday, March 8, is the Deanery level celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Diocese of Duluth.  Saint Joseph’s in Grand Rapids will host this celebration.  It will begin at 5:00 pm with a Holy Hour with Bishop Paul Sirba.  It will be followed by a free dinner in the parish hall.  This is a wonderful opportunity to come and thank God for the gift of the Diocese of Duluth.   Just a note, there will be no Mass involved in this celebration.

 It is Lent, what are we doing for it?  Maybe we are doing nothing or giving up nothing.  Well, it is time to start then.  Each parish has Stations of the Cross.  This is an excellent way to journey with Christ and meditate upon His suffering and death.  Another good meditation on the suffering and death of Jesus is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  This is a very simple prayer.  It takes normally less than 10 minutes to pray.  (Remember that the Novena for Divine Mercy starts on Good Friday (March 3)).  There is so much we can do to help foster a deeper relationship with God.  If anyone is at a lose of what to do, just see me, and we can talk about possible things.

 May God bless y’all.

 Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault