November 22, 2015

This weekend we celebrate Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.  This is the last weekend in the church year.  Next weekend we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent.  Remember that we will be making a few liturgical modifications with the beginning of Advent.  We will say the Communion Antiphon instead of singing the Communion Hymn, which is in line with the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.  In reading this document it says that there are four options.  These options are given in the order that they are preferred and expected to be done if possible.  Since it is very possible for us to do the first option (Communion Antiphon), we will be start doing this, rather than what we are currently doing, which is the fourth option of singing a Communion Hymn.  This will lend itself to more silence.  I look forward to having more silence since this is where the Lord speaks to us.  The other modification will be at the end of the liturgy just before the Recessional Hymn when  we will kneel down and pray the St. Michael Prayer.  At St. Catherine’s we will also pray a prayer to St. Kateri.  Pope Leo the 13th asked that this prayer (St. Michael) be included after the Mass, and it has never been rescinded.  So that is why we will be praying the St. Michael Prayer at the end of the Liturgy.  I know that these modifications will not be easy, still I believe they are the right thing to do after consultation with the Diocesan Liturgist. 

Remember that Christmas is coming, but first as Catholics and Christians we prepare for Christmas with Advent.  Don’t put the cart before the horse and start celebrating Christmas.  Christmas decorations can go up a few days before Christmas (not a week or so before). We celebrate Jesus’ birth on the 25th of December.  Let us prepare our hearts this Advent to be ready to celebrate His birth and the Christmas Season. 

Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault