November 23, 2014

This weekend we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, which is our religious celebration.  This coming Thursday, we celebrate Thanksgiving, which is our national celebration.  I really enjoy celebrating Thanksgiving each year.  Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, green beans, fruit salad, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and pecan pie.  So, so, so many good things to eat.    Many families get together and celebrate this wonderful national holiday.  So what are we thankful for?  This is a great question.  I know people who are thankful to just be alive, others who are thankful for their family and friends.  Another may just be happy to finally have a job to feed their family.  What are we thankful for?  One of my friends has a family tradition at Thanksgiving of going around the table and telling for what they are thankful.  They have found that it really enhances the celebration.  Maybe this is something we should all do at our different celebrations for Thanksgiving.  Still, the great thing about Thanksgiving is that it leads us into a beautiful posture, that is a heart full of gratitude.  What are we thankful for?  I know that this is the third time I have asked this question during this column, and yet when we become thankful and grateful, people find that our focus becomes one that is less focused on ourselves and our problems, and it becomes rather a focus of love and charity.  So thank you to all of you who have made me be a better priest.  I know that sounds a little cheesy, but many of you have helped me to clean up my act and to be more loving and generous.  Thank you.  May God bless you all with beautiful, holy and healthy Thanksgiving celebrations.  May it be a time of healing in families, and may it lead to giving praise and thanks to God for all that He has done for us. 

Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault