Real Friendship (Part 3, Chapter 20)

Part 3, Chapter 20

Right now the popular thing to talk about is “Fake News” vs “Real News.”  But there are many things that are fake!  I think about movies that are “based on a true story.”  Many of them may be based on a story that is true, but then Hollywood comes along to make the story even better.  We are constantly trying to make things seem better than they really are.  Friendships sometimes seem to be built on smoke and mirrors.  What I mean is that they are built on illusion, a lie which is what worldly friendships are.  St. Francis De Sales says, “Worldly friendship is profuse in honeyed words, passionate endearments, commendations of beauty and sensual charms, while true friendship speaks a simple honest language, praising nothing but the face of God, its one only foundation” (Introduction to the Devout Life, 113).  True friendship will always be built on TRUTH and that truth is God. 

There is no need for smoke or mirrors or illusions in a real friendship.  All that is needed is for the friendship to be centered in Christ.  “True friendship is modest and straightforward in every glance, loving and pure in caresses, has no sighs save for heaven, no complaints save that God is not loved sufficiently…true friendship is clear-sighted, and hides nothing—rather seeks to be seen of good men” (Introduction to the Devout Life, 113).  Thus a true friend is able to look in the mirror and see who they are before God and be the same in front of a friend.  There is no need for makeup in a true friendship as we show deep down who we are.  There is complete honesty in this friendship.