Sunday, August 17, 2014

Last weekend I preached a homily on Lectio Divina and I said that there would be a follow up to it.  Lectio Divina, which is the Divine Reading of scripture is an ancient practice to help people pray and read the Word of God.  It is a practice that helps people to hear the voice of God speaking to them.  It is a beautiful way to pray.  In this bulletin there is a handout on how to pray using Lectio Divina.  It is a guide to pray, and it is just one of many different ways we can pray.  As always, if you have questions on how to pray, please see me. 

 This past week we celebrated the Holy Day of obligation of the Assumption.  I always like the Assumption of Mary as it reminds me that there is hope of getting to Heaven; that you and I can get to Heaven, and Mary shows us that it is a possibility.  Not only that, Mary shows us that ,like Jesus ,Heaven will be not only a soul experience, but also a bodily experience.  We will have our bodies in Heaven.  Thankfully for you and me, our bodies will be glorified bodies, that is, there will not be any more aging, nor sickness, nor death.  Jesus, after the Resurrection, had His glorified body and we see that in His glorified body He still had the wounds from the nails and the spear in His side.  But it didn’t hurt Him anymore.  What a great gift celebrating the Assumption is.  There is hope for all of us.  There is hope that you and I can be with God forever someday in Heaven.  Still, like Mary, we should try to be faithful to all that he calls us to in this life so that we can be with Him in the next.  It is the surest way of getting there!

Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault