Sunday, July 6, 2014

We celebrated the fourth of July this week.  Our country is free because many, many men and women fought bravely for us to be free.  Lives were given up for you and me to know the liberty that we experience today.   What a gift and blessing this is!!!!  Sometimes it seems that we, as a nation, forget what these courageous forefathers did for us.  They fought so that you and I could be free to worship God.  They fought that we would not be forced to worship according to how the king told you and me to worship.  Blood was spilled so that we could worship God.  Why else was the state of Maryland started?  It was made so that Catholics could worship God.  Jesus Christ died on a cross to set you and me free from sin.  He gave His life so that we can live.  What a truly remarkable gift He has given us.  Do we appreciate what He has done for us.  I can think of no better way to thank Him than each day thanking Him for the countless blessings we have received.  As it says in scripture,
“To whom much is given, much is expected.”  We are given the gift of true freedom, that is the ability to love God and neighbor without sin.  Are we thankful???   Do we care that He has done this, and do we show that we are thankful to Him for what He has done???  We have been given  much, now we have work to do to show Him that we are thankful for what He has done for us!


Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault