August 14, 2016

Many people tell me that they don’t like where our country is headed.  They tell me that this isn’t good.  I hear about when they were a kid this didn’t go on.  Well the sad thing is that our world has been changing and not for the better.  Yes, there are technologies that have made our lives better.  Yes, we have better health and people are living longer.  But there are some many things pulling at us.  I am praying for our country, but the problem is deeper than our country.  Our problem is an age old problem.  It has been happening since the advent of man.  It is a problem that we don’t want to deal with.  We would rather try to fix it our way, and well, that is the problem.  Remember the song that is sung in hell is “I did it my way.”  We want to fix our planet, our country and our family, and we keep trying to do it our own way.  It isn’t working, but we keep trying to do it our way.  Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get a different result.  Too often we want to go our own way.  And too often we hold our opinion as higher than even God.  This isn’t working for us, and we think by being in control then we will be safe.  By the way, this isn’t working either.   When are we going to learn to do it God’s way? 

Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”  If he is the life and He models life for us, shouldn’t we follow in His footsteps and do what He tells us.  Follow Jesus, pray to Jesus; these things will help us out, and they will make our society and country a better place when we place God as number one in our lives.  If we don’t do this, we will be complaining even more the next election session that comes around (that is if there is another election session).  Pray, fast and conform our lives to Christ is what we are being led to do.  Are we willing to do our part to make our society better?  Then follow Jesus and do what He asks of us!

Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault