Chaste Virginity (Part 3, Chapter 41)

Part 3, Chapter 41

Virginity is not so often talked about.  Still, it is an important concept that should be lived.  A young man or woman should be a virgin until they get married.  Why? Because.  They should be a virgin so that they can give themselves totally, faithfully, fruitfully and freely to their spouse and only their spouse.  Whether a man or woman is called to marry they should guard their heart and protect it.  We don’t want to cheapen marriage and martial bed.  Being married and giving one’s self to one’s spouse is a great gift.  This is why chastity is needed; it protects the heart.   Thus, when a man or woman is not married, it helps to form integrity and it further helps them to be ready for marriage when the day comes.  Because there are two types of marriage: marriage to someone of the opposite sex and marriage to Christ.  Both of these are beautiful and good, but in both our hearts must be protected.  Chastity and virginity open a heart for this. 

Being a virgin before marriage involves more than refraining from sexual intercourse (abstinence).  It is living chastity and morality from the heart.  For example to live this morality from the heart: I don’t have to give a commandment to parents not to murder their children.  Why?  Because parents love their children and don’t want to hurt them.  They are living this morality from the heart.  This would be our hope for all young men and women that they would live the love of God from their heart and never want to use, abuse, hurt, anyone either before marriage or after.  Thus, morality from the heart is really living chastity out, which means integrity. 

So in the end we should be virgins going into marriage because it is the right thing to do.