February 1, 2015

Maybe we remember those commercials on TV about Klondike bars.  The slogan was “What would you do for a Klondike bar?”  It is amazing to me to think what we do for things that don’t last.  Look at all the money spent just for a thirty second commercial during the Super Bowl, $4.5million.  WOW!  For each second we are talking $150,000, each second!  WOW!!!!!   And for what, a commercial for a product that we don’t need and will not last.  And yet, here we are spending the money for this product so that they can produce this advertisement.  And this is just a commercial during the biggest sporting event in our nation.  And who is going to remember in 20 years that the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots played this game with fully inflated footballs.  Does this game bring us happiness and joy that is going to last, or what else are we going to need?  Our lives so often go from this high, to that high to the next big thing.  Are we satisfied?  When our time to die comes, will any of this matter?  There is only one thing that lasts, and really it is the last thing that most of us think about.  Time and again  we avoid what will truly last.  The only thing that lasts is the love of God.  God’s love lasts forever.  And forever is a very long time when we think about how short our lives are in the scheme of things.  And in Heaven is where those who have been faithful to God in living out their relationship with Him will experience His absolute abundance of His love.  Super bowls and ads come and go.  So do movies, and other things that we use to numb us or give us some simple pleasures.  Still, it is Jesus’ love that lasts.  It is He who shows us the way to eternal joys.  When it is all said and done, we will not have the time to say to God, “I meant to love you, I meant to be a better person, I really wanted to know you.”  It is too late at that point.  We are looking so much to be entertained in life.  Does this last?  Really the Klondike commercial should say “What would you do to go and experience the fullness of God’s love in Heaven?”  What is it worth:  PRICELESS!!!!!!

 Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault