June 28, 2015

This past weekend we began the process to update our parish censuses.  We have no clue when the last one was done in any of our parishes.  As with anything of this magnitude, there are always glitches and things that were not thought of.  We are asking all parishioners to fill out a registration form, whether online or using the paper format. 

To get to the form on line go to www.olschurch.us and click on the Membership tab.  Once there click on the part for the attached form.  You will need Adobe Acrobat in order to complete the form, save it and send through email. Return the Membership Registration by email to olschurch@bigfork.net or print a paper form and mail to the shared office at Our Lady of the Snows, PO Box 11, Bigfork, MN 56628. 

We would like to finish the first part of this process by Monday, July 5th.  After that date we will be sending letters to all registered parishioners who have not responded.  So please complete the registration on or before July 5 to avoid receiving a mailing.  Thank you for your response which helps us improve our communication with each and every one of you.  If  you know someone who may not know about the census update, and you believe they may want to continue to be registered at our parishes, please let them know about this process.  

Fr. Thomas P. Galarneault