Resolve your life for God (Part 5, Chapter 2)

Part 5, Chapter 2

I bet all of us have spilled something on the carpet that was bad.  I have spilled red Kool-Aid on the carpet.  It was nasty, and I wasn’t sure it was going to come out.  I didn’t want to have to replace the carpet, but I wanted the carpet to look clean and fresh like it was when it was installed.  I had some resolve carpet cleaner and sprayed it on and wow, the carpet was as good as new.

When we resolve, we try to restore something back to its original condition.  So when we are baptized, our souls are made clean.  When we go to confession and receive absolution, we are cleansed.  So in making a resolution, we are trying to work on having a goal so that we can help our soul to be clean.  Making a resolution is making a promise.  We promise to live this resolution so that God will help to keep us on the straight and narrow path.

It is fitting that we are talking about making a resolution with Easter being just around the corner.  At Easter the Church asks us to renew our baptismal promises.   It is timely that we are at this part of the book just before Easter.   These considerations are given to remind us of the resolutions we are going to make and that we are not alone in doing this.


“Firstly, that you have forsaken, rejected, detested and renounced all mortal sin forever” (Introduction to the Devout Life, 189).  We don’t want spiritual death; we don’t want our souls dead.  That is what mortal sin does.  We want to live in God.  Therefore, we have to leave all mortal sin behind in order to live in God.

“Secondly, that you have dedicated and consecrated your soul, heart, and body, with everything pertaining thereto, to the service and love of God” (Introduction to the Devout Life, 189).  If God has given us all that we have, shouldn’t we be willing to give it back to Him?  That is what consecration does, we say, “Father, I am giving you all that I have, and it is yours, help me to do with it as you please.”  Who are we to hold back?

“Thirdly, that if you should unhappily fall into any sin, you would forthwith rise up again, with the help of God’s grace” (Introduction to the Devout Life, 189).  There will be falls, we shouldn’t want to fall and hurt God.  Still, the falls when come, the important thing is to get back up again.

We make these promises to God as did the Saints who are aware that we making these promises.  Now we must go forward, these resolutions help us to have a way to go forward and they encourage us.  Go to God and trust in Him.

NOTE: Please read tomorrows post before starting the examination.