TC Day 25 (Presents)

Day 25

I want all parishioners, all people in society, and the whole entire world to be in HEAVEN!!!  It is a great desire of mine.  I know that for that to happen, we all have to be willing to except God on His terms; that we would need to love God and our neighbor.  I pray that we all would accept this, but it isn’t easy. 

Mary, Our Mother, desires that we her children would be with God forever in Heaven.  Her Immaculate Heart desires this; she wants us to be with God more than anything else.   Mary will do all that is appropriate to help us her children to get to Heaven.  She always does the will of the Father, and so she will send us graces and blessings.  But in doing this she is really giving us herself.  She in giving presents is showering us with who she is because Mary cannot be anything else but herself.  She is constantly showing her true colors to us.  “Mary becomes all things for the soul that wishes to serve Jesus Christ.  She enlightens his mind with her pure faith.  She deepens his heart with her humility.  She enlarges and inflames his heart with charity, makes it pure with her purity, makes it noble and great through her motherly care” (Preparation for Total Consecration, 87).  She does this all because this is who she is.

Mary knows who she is and for her to do anything else would mean that she was not true to herself.  Mary gives us herself and communicates that to us.  Thanks be to God that He allows Mary to show us who she is and that she can shower presents down upon us.  We so need her help.  Ask our Mother to show us the way to The Most Holy Trinity!!!  We won’t be disappointed.